Privacy Policy
EAGLE takes your privacy very seriously. The following privacy statement sets out, in relation to this web site, what sort of information EAGLE collects about you, how that information is collected and how EAGLE uses that information. If you have any questions about this privacy statement or suspect that EAGLE-SMT may have acted contrary to this privacy statement or any applicable privacy laws, please contact
Information Collected - This web site contains certain forms for you to complete to request further information from EAGLE-SMT. EAGLE-SMT stores all of the information submitted by you on this web site.
This web site also enables you to send e-mails to EAGLE-SMT (for example, to EAGLE-SMT stores all such e-mails.
Use of Information - EAGLE-SMT uses the information submitted by you when requesting information to respond to your request for information. EAGLE-SMT uses the information in any e-mail received from you (to, for example, to respond to your e-mail.
EAGLE will not disclose or share the information collected about you to third parties. EAGLE-SMT reserves the right however to disclose or share information collected about you on or through the web site to suppliers of services to the EAGLE-SMT or to government agencies (such as the police) or to courts of competent authority. BY SUBMITTING INFORMATION INTO THIS WEB SITE YOU EXPRESSLY AND EXPLICITLY CONSENT TO THOSE USES AND/OR TRANSFERS OF INFORMATION ABOUT YOU. If you do not consent to any of the uses and/or potential transfers of information about you set out in this privacy statement please do not submit any information into this web site.